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Should say, they prefer Lvl 3’s be homeless.

Just shows how useless the Megan’s Law website is. This article states in one paragraph that constituents are scared and may not know registrants are living nearby. But it wouldn’t take much to look for themselves; in two more paragraphs down, News 12 has gone on the internet and simply found out where the registrants are. What? Wasn’t Megans Law created to make people feel safe by enabling people to know where the offenders are? Now people are not using the site or if they do, it makes them afraid knowing there is a registrant nearby. Surreal.


They banish them from motels. So where should they go?

off topic, but on a tangent since it’s from the article link:

Anyhow, I looked further down the article and under the “related posts” section the following headlines:
1. Child Sex Predator demands legal right to be on Facebook
2. Lawamkers call for new rules, enforcement for sex offenders
3. Sex offenders who do not register addresses remain free from arrest
4. Central Falls police nab wanted sex offender.

Of the four four articles, only one is factual of the term “sex offender”, article 4. The other three, well, they’ve already served their time. They currently are not offenders. Yet, it’s all lumped together as seen by the four headlines put together.

The state is creating “an image” that is not true for all those who already paid their dues. This is equivalent to wearing a scarlet letter after doing your time. This is cruel and unusual punishment as it paints a former convict (some could be ex-convicts or no longer convicts) in the present form of being a current offender. Which is definitely not the case. There is libel here when using the simple context presented above in the four headlines.

The stigma of the present is what makes the idea of creating more and more regulations to be outrageous. The politicians and masses believe registrants are still offending. It’s a blanket confounded with those who just committed the offense.

Look at Peckingham. His offense was done long ago. Apparently, it seems his past will never escape him and will always be viewed in the present tense. Well, this fits the meme that once an offender, then that offender will always and continue to offend. Meme… not researched based and supported.

The masses believe in the worst and believe every registrant is the worst. I recently heard a TV personality, Bob Beckell, state the following to one of the his co-stars on a panel, “You pick out the two or three extremes of the party and paint them as representing the whole party. That’s not who we all are.”

Welp, that’s what’s been done for registrants.

The registrants in the motel, do they pay? So they’re law abiding in that aspect. No one wants registrants in their housing area. I mean I just found out that registrants in California are excluded from applying for section 8 housing. I have no idea why, but it’s there. Once you do your time, you should be just a free as the person next to you (provided you get your felony removed). Nope. You still got restrictions. You still are a current menace to society, despite already serving your time. Oh wait… you’re still forced to serving your time to the state in this “regulatory scheme” as a free person. There’s something in the constitution about compelled service being prohibited unless it is to punish a crime (thereby making the regulatory a punitive form).

These registration laws are designed to bury you alive they may as well sentence every one to death and get it over with, it would be more humane.